Membership Policy

Who is invited to join?

The MEP Group brings together an international and diverse diverse group of organizations who help shape and decide on music education policies in their respective countries and regions. Depending on national systems and processes, these could be policy-making, funding or advocacy organizations such as ministries, arts or music councils, foundations or other specialist civil society organizations.

Participation in the network is open to all interested staff of a participating organization; each organization provides one main point of contact for administrative purposes.

What are the benefits of participating?

The MEP Group offers organizations an international knowledge and exchange platform to engage, network and learn. It is facilitated and hosted by an external Secretariat, which is responsible for all the necessary administration, communication and support functions.

  • Annual Meetings and Strategic Learning Talks: These offer opportunities to meet decision-making, funding and advocacy as well as specialist organizations in the music education policy arena from around the world to discuss current challenges, trends and best practices. These activities provide insights into - and foster discussions about - music education policies of different countries and regions, including their systems, challenges and priorities, while also addressing related policy issues of the wider music, culture, education and arts sectors. Activities are designed as open platforms for which member organizations determine the content themselves.

  • Annual Survey & Background Report: Based on a short survey among member organizations, this provides a succinct overview of data on the most relevant recent developments in the field of music education policy of member countries, including new legislation, initiatives, statistics and research

  • Directory: Compliant with the EU-GDPR, this is a continually updated and useful reference source for and about leading policy-makers in music and arts education

  • Joint Initiatives: These can be decided on by organizations as needed, e.g. for joint knowledge-building, advocacy or research; recently, the MEP Group has set up an Expert Group to draft a Global Compact on Music Education, which all interested organizations can sign up to.

  • MExchange: this is the MEP Group's Music Education Exchange Service. To support project, funding and research collaborations and help facilitate requests for input and ideas among member organizations, MExchange provides a unique and interactive service that allows members looking for information, input or partners to reach out to, and receive quick feedback from, either the entire MEP Group membership or just selected organizations.

How is the MEP Group coordinated?

The MEP Group is co-chaired by the Arts Council England and Creative New Zealand; these organizations assist the group by providing advice and guidance and by making recommendations on the most advantageous options for its development.

The Arts Investment Forum, a non-profit organization based in Germany, was founded by the Faculty of Music at Cambridge University and the Aspen Institute in Washington DC to promote investment in arts and culture for development; it currently coordinates the group's activities and acts as its Secretariat.

What are some of the questions the MEP Group explores?

    • How are countries' educational systems, standards, priorities and cultural values affecting policy-making? What is the current thinking in different countries and in leading urban cultural hubs, what are best practices, innovative trends and new developments? [e.g. "What is being done to ensure diversity or equality of access; what differentiation is there between formal and informal music education in policy and practice; what models are there for adapting professional music education to changing workforce demands?"]

    • What national or international research on music and arts education and policy is worth sharing to strengthen advocacy and policy-making?

    • How is music education funded in different cities and countries?

    • How is music education policy positioned alongside other arts, culture and education policies?

    • How do national music education policies relate to international cultural conventions (e.g. UNESCO) or international education testing (e.g. OECD)? And what regional and international advocacy and policy opportunities are there to support music and arts education?

If you are interested in membership in the MEP Group or would like further information, please contact Brent Cougan at